Hans Schmidt

Hans Schmidt Gmbh

Cost-effective and environmentally friendly handling of cooling lubricants and emulsions.

Hans Schmidt Altöl- und Abfallverwertung GmbH, DE – Fürth is a medium-sized family-owned reception centre with 200 employees, which collects polluting industrial waste water from all over Germany with 75 tankers.

Hans Schmidt GmbH


Receiving stations and waste treatment.


Hans Schmidt receives 12,500 m³ of used cooling lubricants and emulsions annually. Until 2008, the company has incurred annual costs of EUR 625,000 to an external company for the disposal of the emulsions.


Envotherm’s ET2500 now concentrates the emulsions so that 90-93% of the distilled water is discharged to the public sewer and the remaining 7-10% concentrate can be sold to cement plants or recycled. The concentrate contains 40-60% oil. The distillate has an oil content of <10ppm which is less than half of the emission requirement. Envotherm’s patented absorber reduces the COD value of the distillate so much that no additional discharge costs are imposed by the authorities.
The investment was repaid in 6 months.