Envotherm is
The right solution

The bottom line is that all our solutions are built to minimise waste and maximise profits.

After analysing your company’s wastewater, we tailor a no-obligation price estimate, including your break-even, which is usually between 6-20 months and subsequently provides over-sales. Alternatively, machines can be rented. Customers who rent a wastewater treatment plant typically save 30-50% compared to their previous wastewater treatment costs

Envotherm gets
Less energy to waste

Heat exchanger

The ingenuity behind the system is the reuse of the outgoing steam to heat the incoming wastewater, thereby achieving a reduction in energy consumption of up to 66% compared to competitors.

Evaporation process

Concentrated distillate, ready for disposal without further treatment.

Less waste and cleaner water
Means minimized costs

The Envotherm technology ensures such a fine degree of separation between water and waste which brings several invaluable business benefits.

Increased amount of clean water

The system significantly increases the amount of clean water - ready for reuse in your production without additional costs of treatment or concentration.

Reduced disposal costs

The final waste goes through a refined distillation process which reduces disposal costs Significant. A cost that is only expected to increase in the coming years.

Vision & Mission

We want to create a more environmentally friendly and economically viable sorting of waste water.

The idea

The idea came about because of tightening legislation and the high operating costs of industrial wastewater disposal.


Innovation is part of our DNA and we are currently working on a new MVR evaporator that is significantly smaller.

The benefits of a
Envotherm solution

  • Minimisation of waste water to be disposed of

  • Distillate of very high quality

  • Turn-key solution – Compact design that can be easily
    implemented in current production

  • Quiet – less than 73 dB (A)

  • Contamination in process water is effectively removed

  • The distillate can be easily reused in production after purification 

  • Continuous and automatic operation

  • Remote monitoring and control 24/7

Make a profit
Within 2 years

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