Scan Bejds
Scan Bejds Steel A/S
Scan Bejds was established in 2001, and since 2007 has been divided into Scan Bejds Steel A/S and Scan Bejds Offshore A/S.
The CEO of both companies is Matthias Trum. Scan Bejds Steel A/S are experts in pickling and passivation.
The company invested in an Envotherm plant with a capacity of 500 l/t of incoming wastewater. Then a similar system, ET1000 and now again an ET1250.
Surface treatment of stainless steel, titanium, aluminium, etc. Scan Bejds are specialists when it comes to pickling and protection against corrosion.
A strong growth in recent years in removing surface treatment of stainless steel, i.e. pickling, passivation and glass blowing, and in the future also electric polishing, ball burnishing, etc. has also meant a large increase in the cost of disposing of the effluent from the process. It was therefore explored what options were available in the market to reduce/control these costs. The company also wished to close the drain to the public sewage treatment plant.
ET500 + ET1250
Envotherm supplied an ET500 plant – it can treat and recirculate up to 3000 m3 per year. With the constant growth of Scan Bejds in-mente, the plant was initially built so that it could be upgraded to an ET1000 with the potential to treat up to 6000 m³ per year. This upgrade was done in several steps, and the first two steps have been implemented. The ET1250 has just been installed. Scan Bejds’ plant has an ROI of less than 24 months.
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